05-01-2017, 05:24 AM
Steam Turbines-Types of turbines, constructional details, application of turbines, types of seal, packing to reduce leakage, losses in turbines. Compounding of turbine, velocity diagrams, output efficiency, losses in turbines, reaction turbine, velocity, diagrams, degree of reaction, constructional features of blades. Governing of turbines.
Gas Turbine-Theory and fundamentals of gas turbines, principles, classification, Joule’s cycles, assumptions for simple gas turbines, cycle analysis, work ratio, concept of maximum and optimum pressure ratio, actual cycle, effect of operating variable on thermal efficiency. Regeneration, inter cooling, reheating, their effects on performance. Closed cycle and semi closed cycles gas turbine plant/ Applications of gas turbines.
Jet Propulsion-Introduction, types of jet engines, application of jet engines. Theory of jet propulsion, energy flow through jet engines, thrust, thrust power, propulsive efficiency. Turbo jet, turbo prop, turbo fan engines, pulse jet and ram jet engines, performance characteristics thrust segmentation. Concept of rocket propulsion.
Rotary Compressor-Concept of: Rotary compressors, Root blower and vane type compressors, Centrifugal compressors. Velocity diagram construction and expression for work done, introduction to slip factor, power input factor.
Hydraulic Turbines-Classification of hydraulic turbines, Heads & various efficiencies. Impulse momentum principle, Fixed and moving flat plate and curve vanes, series of plates & vanes. Velocity triangles and their analysis, work done, efficiency etc. Impulse turbine: Main components and constructional features of pelton wheel, velocity diagrams & work done, condition for max. Hydraulic Efficiency, number of buckets, jets Non dimensional parameters (speed ratio, jet ratio). Governing mechanisms for pelton wheel. Reaction turbine, main components & constructional features, types of reaction turbine (Francis, Kaplan), draft tube types, efficiency, cavitation, Francis, Kaplan turbines, Types of characteristic curves, unit quantities, selection of turbine considering various factors, specific speed, Application of similarity as applied to turbines, scale effect.
Steam Turbines-Types of turbines, constructional details, application of turbines, types of seal, packing to reduce leakage, losses in turbines. Compounding of turbine, velocity diagrams, output efficiency, losses in turbines, reaction turbine, velocity, diagrams, degree of reaction, constructional features of blades. Governing of turbines.
Gas Turbine-Theory and fundamentals of gas turbines, principles, classification, Joule’s cycles, assumptions for simple gas turbines, cycle analysis, work ratio, concept of maximum and optimum pressure ratio, actual cycle, effect of operating variable on thermal efficiency. Regeneration, inter cooling, reheating, their effects on performance. Closed cycle and semi closed cycles gas turbine plant/ Applications of gas turbines.
Jet Propulsion-Introduction, types of jet engines, application of jet engines. Theory of jet propulsion, energy flow through jet engines, thrust, thrust power, propulsive efficiency. Turbo jet, turbo prop, turbo fan engines, pulse jet and ram jet engines, performance characteristics thrust segmentation. Concept of rocket propulsion.
Rotary Compressor-Concept of: Rotary compressors, Root blower and vane type compressors, Centrifugal compressors. Velocity diagram construction and expression for work done, introduction to slip factor, power input factor.
Hydraulic Turbines-Classification of hydraulic turbines, Heads & various efficiencies. Impulse momentum principle, Fixed and moving flat plate and curve vanes, series of plates & vanes. Velocity triangles and their analysis, work done, efficiency etc. Impulse turbine: Main components and constructional features of pelton wheel, velocity diagrams & work done, condition for max. Hydraulic Efficiency, number of buckets, jets Non dimensional parameters (speed ratio, jet ratio). Governing mechanisms for pelton wheel. Reaction turbine, main components & constructional features, types of reaction turbine (Francis, Kaplan), draft tube types, efficiency, cavitation, Francis, Kaplan turbines, Types of characteristic curves, unit quantities, selection of turbine considering various factors, specific speed, Application of similarity as applied to turbines, scale effect.