04-28-2017, 03:14 AM
Fundamental Concepts of Fluid Flow: Fundamental definitions, Fluid properties, classification of fluids, Flow characteristics, Foundations of flow analysis, Incompressible and compressible fluids, one, two and three dimensional flows,
Pressure and its measurements: Pascal’s law, pressure variation in a fluid at rest, Classification of different manometers.
Fluid Statics: Fluid pressure, Forces on solid surfaces, Buoyant forces, Metacentre and Metacentric height. Stability of floating bodies,
Kinematics of Fluid Flow: Types of fluid flow, streamline, path line and streak line; continuity equation, Equations for acceleration, Irrotational and rotational flow, velocity potential and stream function, Vortex flow, Continuity equation.
Dynamics of Fluid Flow: Control volume analysis, Eulers equation of motion, Bernoulli’s equation, Bernoulli’s theorems from steady flow energy equation, Venturi meter; Pitot tube, Momentum equation.
Laminar Flow: Reynold’s experiment, Critical velocity, Steady laminar flow through a circular tube, Measurement of viscosity.
Turbulent Flow: Shear stress in turbulent flow. Hydro dynamically smooth & rough boundaries. Velocity distribution for turbulent flow in smooth and rough pipes.
Boundary Layer Flow: Boundary Layer Theory and Applications: Boundary Layer thickness, displacement, momentum and energy thickness, Flow separation, Drag and lift on immersed bodies.
Pipe Flow Systems: Darcy-Weisbach equation, Moody diagram, Energy losses in pipelines, concept of equivalent length, Flow between two reservoirs multiple pipe systems. Siphon.
Dimensional Analysis and Principles of Similarity: Buckingham’s Theorem and its applications, Geometric, Kinematics and Dynamic similarity; Dimensionless numbers-Reynolds, Froude, Euler, Mach, Weber Number and their significance.
Flow Measurements: Measurement of flow using, orifice meter, nozzle, Measurement of flow in open channels – rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal weir, Cipoeletti weir. Hot-wire anemometer.
Fundamental Concepts of Fluid Flow: Fundamental definitions, Fluid properties, classification of fluids, Flow characteristics, Foundations of flow analysis, Incompressible and compressible fluids, one, two and three dimensional flows,
Pressure and its measurements: Pascal’s law, pressure variation in a fluid at rest, Classification of different manometers.
Fluid Statics: Fluid pressure, Forces on solid surfaces, Buoyant forces, Metacentre and Metacentric height. Stability of floating bodies,
Kinematics of Fluid Flow: Types of fluid flow, streamline, path line and streak line; continuity equation, Equations for acceleration, Irrotational and rotational flow, velocity potential and stream function, Vortex flow, Continuity equation.
Dynamics of Fluid Flow: Control volume analysis, Eulers equation of motion, Bernoulli’s equation, Bernoulli’s theorems from steady flow energy equation, Venturi meter; Pitot tube, Momentum equation.
Laminar Flow: Reynold’s experiment, Critical velocity, Steady laminar flow through a circular tube, Measurement of viscosity.
Turbulent Flow: Shear stress in turbulent flow. Hydro dynamically smooth & rough boundaries. Velocity distribution for turbulent flow in smooth and rough pipes.
Boundary Layer Flow: Boundary Layer Theory and Applications: Boundary Layer thickness, displacement, momentum and energy thickness, Flow separation, Drag and lift on immersed bodies.
Pipe Flow Systems: Darcy-Weisbach equation, Moody diagram, Energy losses in pipelines, concept of equivalent length, Flow between two reservoirs multiple pipe systems. Siphon.
Dimensional Analysis and Principles of Similarity: Buckingham’s Theorem and its applications, Geometric, Kinematics and Dynamic similarity; Dimensionless numbers-Reynolds, Froude, Euler, Mach, Weber Number and their significance.
Flow Measurements: Measurement of flow using, orifice meter, nozzle, Measurement of flow in open channels – rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal weir, Cipoeletti weir. Hot-wire anemometer.