04-29-2017, 01:11 AM
Introduction: Concept and nature of Organizational Behaviour; Contributing disciplines to the field of O.B.; O.B. Models; Need to understand human behaviour; Challenges and Opportunities, Management functions, Tasks and responsibilities of a professional manager; Managerial skills.
Individual & Interpersonal Behaviour: Biographical Characteristics; Ability; Values; Attitudes-Formation, Theories, Organization related attitude, Relationship between attitude and behaviour; Personality – determinants and traits; Emotions; Learning-Theories and reinforcement schedules, Perception –Process and errors.
Organization Structure and Process: Organizational climate and culture, Organizational Structure and Design, Managerial Communication, Motivation, Stress and its management, Decision Making: Organizational Context of Decisions, Decision Making Models; Problem Solving.
Interactive Aspects of Organizational Behaviour: Interpersonal Behaviour: Johari Window; Transactional Analysis – ego states, types of transactions, life positions, applications of T.A, Group Dynamics; Management of Organizational Conflicts; Leadership Styles.
Introduction: Concept and nature of Organizational Behaviour; Contributing disciplines to the field of O.B.; O.B. Models; Need to understand human behaviour; Challenges and Opportunities, Management functions, Tasks and responsibilities of a professional manager; Managerial skills.
Individual & Interpersonal Behaviour: Biographical Characteristics; Ability; Values; Attitudes-Formation, Theories, Organization related attitude, Relationship between attitude and behaviour; Personality – determinants and traits; Emotions; Learning-Theories and reinforcement schedules, Perception –Process and errors.
Organization Structure and Process: Organizational climate and culture, Organizational Structure and Design, Managerial Communication, Motivation, Stress and its management, Decision Making: Organizational Context of Decisions, Decision Making Models; Problem Solving.
Interactive Aspects of Organizational Behaviour: Interpersonal Behaviour: Johari Window; Transactional Analysis – ego states, types of transactions, life positions, applications of T.A, Group Dynamics; Management of Organizational Conflicts; Leadership Styles.