04-28-2017, 03:41 AM
Introduction: Production functions, Management systems, production and productivity.
Plant Organization: Principles of organization, Organization structure-line and staff organization.
Plant Location, Layout: Process layout, product layout and combination – methods of layout, economics of layout; group technology.
Production Planning & Control: Types of products, demand, demand forecasting, marketing strategies, scheduling and control of scheduling production control.
Method Study: Definition and concepts, method study procedures, symbols, advantages, Operation process chart, Flow process charts, Two hand process chart, Motion study, micro motion, SIMO charts, Systems Concepts, Classification analysis techniques, Principle of motion economics.
Work Measurement: Definition, objectives & techniques, Time study equipment, performance rating, allowances, standard time, work sampling, PMTS.
Industrial Maintenance: Types, organization for maintenance department, Breakdown and preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance.
Inventory control and replacement analysis: Introduction replacement policy and method adopted, EOQ.
Management Concepts: Development of management principles, scientific management, human relation aspects.
Production Cost Concepts: Introduction, cost of production, cost centre and unit, Classification and analysis of cost, break Even Analysis.
Introduction: Production functions, Management systems, production and productivity.
Plant Organization: Principles of organization, Organization structure-line and staff organization.
Plant Location, Layout: Process layout, product layout and combination – methods of layout, economics of layout; group technology.
Production Planning & Control: Types of products, demand, demand forecasting, marketing strategies, scheduling and control of scheduling production control.
Method Study: Definition and concepts, method study procedures, symbols, advantages, Operation process chart, Flow process charts, Two hand process chart, Motion study, micro motion, SIMO charts, Systems Concepts, Classification analysis techniques, Principle of motion economics.
Work Measurement: Definition, objectives & techniques, Time study equipment, performance rating, allowances, standard time, work sampling, PMTS.
Industrial Maintenance: Types, organization for maintenance department, Breakdown and preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance.
Inventory control and replacement analysis: Introduction replacement policy and method adopted, EOQ.
Management Concepts: Development of management principles, scientific management, human relation aspects.
Production Cost Concepts: Introduction, cost of production, cost centre and unit, Classification and analysis of cost, break Even Analysis.