04-28-2017, 05:34 PM
Basic Concepts: Mechanism of Heat Transfer, Conduction, Convection and Radiation. Conduction: Fourier Law of Conduction, Thermal Resistance and its electrical Analogy, General Differential equation of Heat Conduction in Cartesian and Cylindrical Coordinates, One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction with and without heat generation through Plane Wall, Cylinders and Spherical systems. Composite Systems, Extended Surfaces, Methods for solving two-dimensional steady state conduction problems. Unsteady Heat Conduction, Lumped Analysis, Use of Heislers Chart. Critical Thickness of Insulation.
Convection: Basic Concepts, Heat Transfer Coefficients, Boundary Layer Concept, Types of Convection.
Forced Convection: Dimensional Analysis, External Flow, Flow over Plates, Cylinders and Spheres. Internal Flow, Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Combined Laminar and Turbulent, Flow over Bank of tubes.
Free Convection: Dimensional Analysis, Flow over Vertical Plate, Horizontal Plate, Inclined Plate, Cylinders and Spheres.
Condensation and Boiling: Film-wise condensation on vertical plate and horizontal tubes. Condensation inside tubes, Regimes of Pool boiling. Calculations on Nucleate boiling, Critical Heat flux and Film boiling, correlations in boiling and condensation.
Types of Heat Exchangers, Heat Exchanger Analysis, LMTD Method and NTU-Effectiveness method. Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, Fouling Factors.
Radiation: Basic Concepts, Laws of Radiation, Stefan Boltzman Law, Kirchoffs Law, Black Body Radiation, Grey body radiation, Radiation exchange between surfaces, Shape Factor Algebra, Hottel’s method for estimating shape factor, Electrical Analogy, Radiation Shields, Radiation from gases and vapours, Solar Radiation, Effect of radiation on temperature measurement.
Basic Concepts: Mechanism of Heat Transfer, Conduction, Convection and Radiation. Conduction: Fourier Law of Conduction, Thermal Resistance and its electrical Analogy, General Differential equation of Heat Conduction in Cartesian and Cylindrical Coordinates, One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction with and without heat generation through Plane Wall, Cylinders and Spherical systems. Composite Systems, Extended Surfaces, Methods for solving two-dimensional steady state conduction problems. Unsteady Heat Conduction, Lumped Analysis, Use of Heislers Chart. Critical Thickness of Insulation.
Convection: Basic Concepts, Heat Transfer Coefficients, Boundary Layer Concept, Types of Convection.
Forced Convection: Dimensional Analysis, External Flow, Flow over Plates, Cylinders and Spheres. Internal Flow, Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Combined Laminar and Turbulent, Flow over Bank of tubes.
Free Convection: Dimensional Analysis, Flow over Vertical Plate, Horizontal Plate, Inclined Plate, Cylinders and Spheres.
Condensation and Boiling: Film-wise condensation on vertical plate and horizontal tubes. Condensation inside tubes, Regimes of Pool boiling. Calculations on Nucleate boiling, Critical Heat flux and Film boiling, correlations in boiling and condensation.
Types of Heat Exchangers, Heat Exchanger Analysis, LMTD Method and NTU-Effectiveness method. Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, Fouling Factors.
Radiation: Basic Concepts, Laws of Radiation, Stefan Boltzman Law, Kirchoffs Law, Black Body Radiation, Grey body radiation, Radiation exchange between surfaces, Shape Factor Algebra, Hottel’s method for estimating shape factor, Electrical Analogy, Radiation Shields, Radiation from gases and vapours, Solar Radiation, Effect of radiation on temperature measurement.