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E-Commerce IPU BCA notes and paper free download


An Overview of E-Commerce: Trade Process & Trade Cycles their linkages with information exchange; Definitions of E-commerce & E-business & their difference; Problems with Manual Systems, Aims of E-commerce, Functions of E-commerce, Applications of E-commerce in business functions, Tools & Technologies for E-commerce,Types of E-commerce,Operational & Strategic benefits of E-commerce,Issues & Challenges in E-commerce. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): Definition, Concept & Evolution of EDI, Traditional versus EDI enabled system for document exchange, EDI Layered Architecture, Process of EDI Message Exchange, Components of EDI, UNEDIFACT Standards & Message Structure, EDI in India, EDI enabled procurement process, EDI Implementation, UN ‘Model Interchange Agreement’ for international commercial use of EDI.
Web based E-Commerce: Need for web based business, Choosing the right format of website: Characteristics of PR site, Marketing site, Sales site/web-store and vertical & horizontal portals; Steps in setting up business on Internet: Selection & registration of domain name, Website development-client & server side tools, web authoring tools, catalogue & web store tools, Website hosting considerations-own versus rented server; Website Maintenance Online Promotion tools & techniques: Getting links to your site, banner advertisements & measuring advertisement effectiveness, Web Traffic Analysis: Various measures, structure of log file data at server side & its analysis for promotion and tools for analysis, Search Engine optimization techniques, Payment Gateways for online payment, Security of transactions on Web: Selling through Secure Servers, use of digital certificates and international standards.

Intranet, Extranet and VPN: Architecture of Intranet, Intranet Software, Applications of Intranets, Intranet Application Case Studies, Considerations in Intranet Deployment; The architecture of Extranets, Extranet Products & Services, Applications of Extranets, Business Models of Extranet Applications; Virtual Private Network (VPN): Architecture of VPN service provider dependent & service provider independent configurations, VPN Security- User authentication & Data Security.
Electronic Payment Systems: E-cash: Purchasing & using of e-cash; Electronic Purses their loading with cash and use; E-cheque payment system; Online Third Party Verified Payment System through Credit & Debit Cards & encryption mechanism; ATM based cash disbursement system; Electronic Bill Payment System; 6.  Inter bank clearing system.
Security E-Commerce Transactions: Security issues: confidentiality, integrity, authentication, non-repudiation & access control their objectives & techniques; Types of security attacks; Cryptography & Digital Signatures: Symmetric & asymmetric cryptography, Public-Private Key Cryptography, Digital signatures & their use, Public Key Infrastructure (Digital Certificate, Certification Authority, Registration Authority, Key Repository), SSL and SET, Legal issues in cryptography

Business Strategy in an Electronic Age: Impact of Internet on Competition - Porter’s Five Forces Model & Business Strategies in Digital Economy; Impact of IT Enabled Systems on Value Chain - Porter’s Value Chain Model; Supply Chain & Supply Chain Management: Definition & flows in a supply chain, Evolution of supply chain-JIT & Quick Response Retailing, Push,  Pull and Built-to-order model of supply chains, E-commerce enabled supply chain management using Internet, Intranet & Extranet.
Business Process Management: Concepts of Business Process Management & Business Process Reengineering; Call Centre operations: Purpose & functions, mode of operations, Components (Telephony, Web, Application servers & middle ware, Desktop applications); Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Technology & Legal Issues in E-Commerce: Technological Issues: Availability of telecom infrastructure, interoperability, bandwidth issues, technical standards & spectrum management, Expansion of Internet: 128 bit IP addressing issue; Legal Issues: Uniform Commercial code for E-commerce (‘Model Law on Electronic Commerce’ by United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, IT Act 2000 by Govt of India), Intellectual Property Protection (Copyrights, Patents, Trademarks & Domain Names), Privacy, Security  (storage of electronic messages & their evidence value), Customs & Taxation laws, Role of governments & regulatory bodies, Jurisdiction issues.
Applications of E-Commerce & Case Studies: 1. Case studies & applications of e-commerce in Retailing, Banking, Manufacturing, Airlines & Railway reservation & e-governance; 2. Cyber Crimes

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