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Data Structure IPU IT notes and question paper free download

UNIT – 1:  
Introduction to programming methodologies and design of algorithms. Abstract Data Type, array, array organization, sparse array. Stacks and Stack ADT, Stack Manipulation, Prefix, infix and postfix expressions, their interconversion and expression evaluation. Queues and Queue ADT, Queue manipulation. General Lists and List ADT, List manipulations, Single, double and circular lists.

Trees, Properties of Trees, Binary trees, Binary Tree traversal, Tree manipulation algorithms, Expression trees and their usage, binary search trees, AVL Trees, Heaps and their implementation.

Multiway trees, B-Trees, 2-3 trees, 2-3-4 trees, B* and B+ Trees. Graphs, Graph representation, Graph traversal.

Sorting concept, order, stability, Selection sorts (straight, heap), insertion sort (Straight Insertion, Shell sort), Exchange Sort (Bubble, quicksort), Merge sort (only 2-way merge sort). Searching – List search, sequential search, binary search, hashing concepts, hashing methods (Direct, subtraction, modulo-division, midsquare, folding, pseudorandom hashing), collision resolution (by open addressing: linear probe, quadratic probe, pseudorandom collision resolution, linked list collision resolution), Bucket hashing. [

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