Unit I
Introduction to Database Systems: File System versus a DBMS, Advantages of a DBMS, Describing and storing data in a DBMS, Queries in a DBMS, Structure of a DBMS, People who deal with database, introduction to Data Models, Architecture of DBMS.
Unit II
Entity Relationship Model: Overview of Database Design, Entities, attributes, and Entity sets, Relationships and Relationship sets, additional features of the ER Model, Conceptual database design with the ER model – Entity versus attribute, entity versus relationship. Relational model: Introduction to Relational model, foreign key constraints, enforcing integrity constraints, Querying relational data, logical database design: ER to relation, introduction to views, destroying/altering tables and views, Codd rules
Unit III
Schema Refinement & Normal Forms: Introduction to schema refinement, functional dependencies, examples motivation schema refinement, reasoning about functional dependencies, normal forms, decomposition, normalization (Up to 3rd Normal Form)
Unit IV
Concept of Objects: objects, tables, queries, forms, reports, modules. Database Creation and Manipulation. SQL Queries: The form of a basic SQL query, Union, intersect, and expect, introduction to nested queries, aggregate operators, Null values.
Unit I
Introduction to Database Systems: File System versus a DBMS, Advantages of a DBMS, Describing and storing data in a DBMS, Queries in a DBMS, Structure of a DBMS, People who deal with database, introduction to Data Models, Architecture of DBMS.
Unit II
Entity Relationship Model: Overview of Database Design, Entities, attributes, and Entity sets, Relationships and Relationship sets, additional features of the ER Model, Conceptual database design with the ER model – Entity versus attribute, entity versus relationship. Relational model: Introduction to Relational model, foreign key constraints, enforcing integrity constraints, Querying relational data, logical database design: ER to relation, introduction to views, destroying/altering tables and views, Codd rules
Unit III
Schema Refinement & Normal Forms: Introduction to schema refinement, functional dependencies, examples motivation schema refinement, reasoning about functional dependencies, normal forms, decomposition, normalization (Up to 3rd Normal Form)
Unit IV
Concept of Objects: objects, tables, queries, forms, reports, modules. Database Creation and Manipulation. SQL Queries: The form of a basic SQL query, Union, intersect, and expect, introduction to nested queries, aggregate operators, Null values.