Introduction: Force system, dimensions and units in mechanics, laws of mechanics, vector algebra, addition and subtraction of forces, cross and dot products of vectors, moment of a force about a point and axis, couple and couple moment, transfer of a force to a parallel position, resultant of a force system using vector method, Problems involving vector application.
Equilibrium: Static and dynamic equilibrium, static in determinacy, general equations of equilibrium, Varingnon’s theorem, Lami’s theorem, equilibrium of bodies under a force system, Problems.
Truss and Frames: Truss, classification of truss, assumptions in truss analysis, perfect truss, analysis of perfect plane truss using method of joints and method of sections, Problems. Centroid , Centre of mass and Centre of gravity, Determination of centroid, centre of mass and centre of gravity by integration method of regular and composite figures and solid objects, Problems.
Moment of Inertia: Area moment of inertia, mass moment of inertia, parallel axis and perpendicular axis theorems, radius of gyration, polar moment of inertia, product of inertia, principle axis, problem based on composite figures and solid objects.
Kinematics: Concept of rigid body, velocity and acceleration, relative velocity, translation and rotation of rigid bodies, equations of motion for translation and rotation, problems.
Particle Dynamics: Energy methods and momentum methods, Newton’s laws, work energy equation for a system of particles, linear and angular momentum equations, projectile motion, problem.
Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram for statically determinant beams Classification of beams, types of loads, shear force and bending moment calculation and their graphical presentation, point of inflection, problem.
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Introduction: Force system, dimensions and units in mechanics, laws of mechanics, vector algebra, addition and subtraction of forces, cross and dot products of vectors, moment of a force about a point and axis, couple and couple moment, transfer of a force to a parallel position, resultant of a force system using vector method, Problems involving vector application.
Equilibrium: Static and dynamic equilibrium, static in determinacy, general equations of equilibrium, Varingnon’s theorem, Lami’s theorem, equilibrium of bodies under a force system, Problems.
Truss and Frames: Truss, classification of truss, assumptions in truss analysis, perfect truss, analysis of perfect plane truss using method of joints and method of sections, Problems. Centroid , Centre of mass and Centre of gravity, Determination of centroid, centre of mass and centre of gravity by integration method of regular and composite figures and solid objects, Problems.
Moment of Inertia: Area moment of inertia, mass moment of inertia, parallel axis and perpendicular axis theorems, radius of gyration, polar moment of inertia, product of inertia, principle axis, problem based on composite figures and solid objects.
Kinematics: Concept of rigid body, velocity and acceleration, relative velocity, translation and rotation of rigid bodies, equations of motion for translation and rotation, problems.
Particle Dynamics: Energy methods and momentum methods, Newton’s laws, work energy equation for a system of particles, linear and angular momentum equations, projectile motion, problem.
Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram for statically determinant beams Classification of beams, types of loads, shear force and bending moment calculation and their graphical presentation, point of inflection, problem.