Surveying syllabus with notes UPTU btech - Printable Version

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Surveying syllabus with notes UPTU btech - admin - 01-04-2015

NCE 303 Surveying will update index soon till then download notes from notes section of studentsuvidha


Unit - I
Importance of surveying to engineers, plane and geodetic surveying, principles of surveying, classification of surveys, Accuracy and Errors (2)
Linear Measurements, Measurement of directions: Reference meridians, bearing and azimuths, Compass, Vernier theodolite, Measurements of horizontal and vertical angles, Horizontal Control, Electronic Theodolites and Total Station. (4)

Unit – II
Methods of determining elevations, Direct levelling- basic terms and definitions, principle, booking and reduction of field notes, curvature and refraction correction, Automatic level, Digital Level, Vertical Control (4)
Contouring: methods and uses, Principles of stadia systems, subtense bar and tangential methods (2)

Unit – III
Principles of traversing by compass and theodolite, computations of traverse coordinates,  Principles  and  classification  of  triangulation  systems,  strength  of figures, satellite stations, triangulation field work (5)
Plane table surveying, equipments, methods, resection by three point problem (2)

Unit – IV

Elements of simple circular curves, theory and methods of setting out simple circular curves,  transition  curves-  types  and  their  characteristics, ideal  transition  curve, equations of various transition curves, Introduction to vertical curves (5)



1. B. C. Punamia et al: Surveying Vol. I, II
2. A. M. Chandra: Plane Surveying, Higher Surveying
3. S K Duggal: Surveying Vol. I, II
4. R Subramanian : Surveying & Leveling , Oxford University Press
5. C Venkatramaih : Text Book of Surveying , University Press
6. W. Schofield, Mark Breach, Engineering Surveying
7. Charles D. Ghilani, Elementry Surveying