Transportation engineering 1- btech notes and syllabus with index - Printable Version

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Transportation engineering 1- btech notes and syllabus with index - admin - 09-19-2014

will update index soon

  • Highway Plans, Highway Alignment and Surveys
  • Main features of 20 years road development plans in India. Requirement of an ideal high way alignment.
  • Factors affecting alignment, Surveys for high way alignments.
  • Classifications of roads. Objectives of highway planning. surveys Saturation system of planning.
UNIT –II Cross section elements and sight distance considerations.-
  • Cross section elements, friction, carriage way, formation width, land width, camber,IRC recommended values.
  • Types of terrain design speed,
  • sight distance ,stopping sight distance, overtaking sight distance ,overtaking zones, intermediate sight distance
  • sight distance at inter sections, head light sight distance, set back distance.Cirtical locations for sight
  • distance.
  • Design of horizontal and vertical alignments-


  • Effects  of centrifugal force.
  • Design of  super elevation.
  • Providing  super elevation in the field.
  • Radiuos of circular curves. Extra widening.
  • Type and length of transition curves.
  • Gradiednt, types, values.
  • Smmit curves and valley curves, their design criterions. Grade compensation on curves.
  • Traffic characteristics and traffic surveys, road user and vehicular characteristics .Traffic studies such as
  • volume, speed and O &  D studies.  Parking   and accident studies. Fundamental diagram of traffic flows.
  • Level of service.PCU.Capacity for non urban roads. Causes and preventing measures for road accidents.
  • High way materials


  • Sub grade soil evaluation, CBR test, plate bearing test, desirable properties of aggregatesa,various testes
  • testing procedures and IRC/IS specifications for suitability of aggregates
  • Types of Bituminous materials.
    Bitumen,tar, Cut back,emulsions. Various tests, testing procedures and IRS/Is specifications for
    of bituminous materials in road construction.Bitumenous mix, desirable properties.Marshell memix design. Basic concept of use of polymers and rubber modified bitumen in bituminous mixes.


  • Rail way Transport
  • System of rail ways ,permanents ways, components ,requirements of gauge, gauge, types of gaug
  • function of rails ,composition ‘types of rails, length of rail, rail joints, type of rail joints, conwheel,tilting,failure of rails, creeps wearing,buckling,welding,Sleepers,Types of Functions,Requirements,Ballasts,Functions,Types of ballast size and sections, and quanties,fixfastening,function,typr of fastening,requirements,spikes,types of spikes,bolts,keys,.


  • Track geometries, gradients,types of gradients ,curves, types of curves, super elevations, relatioelevation with gauge ,speed and radius of curves, pointing crossing, technical terms, turn out,switcof switches,crossings,type of crossing,junction,type of junction,plating,method of platting, relatrack, method of relaying of track, railway station,purpose,site selection,requirements,classificstations,yards,classification of yards, necessity of equipments, level crossing,signals,classificsignals,interlocking,method of inter locking, Maintenance and drainage, classification of maintenan
  • Tunnels-Necessity of tunnels, classification of tunnels, shape of tunnels, cross section of
  • surveying of tunnels, shafts, purpose of shafts, constructionofshafts, lining of tunnels, types oconstruction of lining and methods of lining. Maintenance and drainage of tunnels.

Books Recommended:

1.  Highway Engg by S.K.Khanna & C.E.G. Justo, Nem Chand Bros., Roorkee.
2.  Principles and Practice of Highway Engg. by L.R.Kadiyali, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
3.  Principles of Pavement Design by Yoder,E.J & Witczak,M.W., John Wiley and Sons, USA.
4.  Tunnel Engineering by S.C.Saxena, Dhanpat Rai Publications, N.Delhi.
5.  A text book of Tunnel, Bridges and Railway Engg. by S.P.Bindra, Dhanpat Rai Delhi.