Object Oriented Software Engineering IPU CSC notes and question paper free download - Printable Version

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Object Oriented Software Engineering IPU CSC notes and question paper free download - Dipesh S - 05-03-2017



Introduction – Overview of Object-Orientation; Basic Concepts of Object-Orientation: Data abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Aggregation, classes, objects, messages, inheritance, polymorphism. Importance of modeling, principles of modeling, Object oriented modeling. OO Life cycle – Object Oriented analysis, modeling and design; Requirement Elicitation. Introduction to Object Oriented Methodologies, Overview of Requirements Elicitation, Requirements Model-Action & Use cases.

Architecture: Introduction, System development is model building, model architecture, requirement model, analysis model, design model, implementation model. 
Analysis: Introduction, System development based on user requirement, Use case model, interface descriptions, Problem domain objects, interface objects, entity objects, control objects.  
Code Design Improvement: Refactoring, Anti patterns, Visitor Patterns.

Construction: Introduction, the design model, design model dimensions, block design, working with construction. 
Testing: Introduction, Object Oriented testing process, testing of analysis and design model, testing of classes.

Modelling with UML: Basic Building Blocks of UML, A Conceptual Model of UML. 
Basic structural modelling: Classes, interfaces, Dependency , generalization and association relationship, comparison of E-R diagram and UML class Diagram, forward and reverse engineering.  
Basic Behavioral Modeling- Use case diagram-relationships between use cases- extend, include, and generalize. Activity diagram-Action state, Activity state, Transition (Fork, Merge, Join), State diagram-events, State Diagram states, transitions, Interaction diagrams: Sequence diagram, Collaboration diagram (iterations, conditional messaging, branching, object creation and destruction, time constraints, origin of links.) 
Architectural modelling: Deployment: Common Modelling technique; Modelling processors and devices, modelling distribution of artifacts.  Collaboration: Modeling roles, modelling the realization of a Use Case, modelling the realization of an operation, modelling a mechanism.