Data Structures using ‘C’ IPU BCA notes and paper free download - Printable Version

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Data Structures using ‘C’ IPU BCA notes and paper free download - Dipesh S - 04-11-2017



Introduction to Data Structures : Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organizations, Classification of data structures and its operations. Arrays: Representation of single and multidimensional arrays (up to three dimensions) ; sparse arrays - lower and upper triangular matrices and Tri-diagonal matrices; addition and subtraction of two sparse arrays. (Multidimensional, and, sparse arrays, to be given elementary treatment.) Stacks and Queues: Introduction and primitive operations on stack; Stack application: Polish Notations; Evaluation of postfix expression; Conversion from infix to postfix; Introduction and primitive operations on queues; D-queues and priority queues.

Lists: Introduction to linked lists; Sequential and linked lists, operations such as traversal, insertion, deletion, searching, Two way lists and Use of headers Trees: Introduction and terminology; Traversal of binary trees; Recursive algorithms for tree operations such as traversal, insertion and deletion;

Introduction to and creation of AVL trees and m-way search trees - (elementary treatment to be given); Multilevel indexing and B-Trees: Introduction; Indexing with binary search trees; Multilevel indexing, a better approach to tree indexes; Example for creating a B-tree.

Sorting Techniques: Insertion sort, selection sort and merge sort. Searching Techniques: linear search, binary search and hashing. (Complexities NOT to be discussed for sorting and searching)