Industrial Engg NOTES and PAPERS with SYLLABUS mdu btech free downloads - Printable Version

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Industrial Engg NOTES and PAPERS with SYLLABUS mdu btech free downloads - admin - 03-06-2015

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Section A 
Definition of  Industrial Engineering: Objectives, Method study, Principle of  motion economy,  Techniques  of  method study  -  Various charts, THERBLIGS,  Work measurement - various methods, time  study PMTS, determining  time, Work sampling, Numericals. 
Productivity &  Workforce  Management : Productivity   - Definition,   Various  methods   of  measurement,   Factors effecting    productivity,   Strategies   for    improving productivity,  Various  methods of Job evaluation  &  merit rating,  Various  incentive payment   schemes,  Behavioural aspects, Financial  incentives. 

Section B
Manufacturing  Cost  Analysis:  Fixed  &  variable   costs,  Direct,  indirect & overhead costs, & Job  costing, Recovery of overheads, Standard costing, Cost control, Cost variance  Analysis - Labour, material, overhead in  volume, rate & efficiency, Break even Analysis, Marginal costing  & contribution, Numericals. 
Materials Management : Strategic importance of materials in  manufacturing industries, Relevant costs, Inventory control models  -  Economic order quantity  (EOQ),  Economic  batch quantity (EBQ) with & without shortage, Purchase discounts,  Sensitivity  analysis, Inventory control systems  -  P,Q,Ss Systems,  Service level, Stock out risk,  determination  of  order  point & safety stock, Selective inventory control  - ABC, FSN, SDE, VED and three dimensional, Numericals.

Section C 
Quality   Management:    Definition  of   quality,   Various approaches, Concept of quality assurance systems, Costs  of quality,  Statistical quality  Control (SQC),  Variables  & Attributes, X, R, P & C - charts, Acceptance sampling, OC -  curve,  Concept of AOQL, Sampling plan - Single,  Double  & sequential, Introduction to TQM & ISO - 9000.  
Production  Planning  &  Control (PPC) :  Introduction  to Forecasting  -  Simple & Weighted moving  average  methods, Objectives  & variables of PPC, Aggregate planning -  Basic Concept, its relations with other decision areas,  Decision options  -  Basic  & mixed  strategies,  Master  production schedule (MPS), Scheduling Operations Various methods  for line  &  intermittent  production  systems,  Gantt   chart, Sequencing  - Johnson algorithm for n-Jobs-2 machines,  n- Jobs-3  machines,  2 Jobs  n-machines,  n-Jobs  m-machines Various   means   of  measuring   effectiveness   of   PPC, Introduction to JIT, Numericals.

Section D
Management Information Systems (MIS) :  What  is  MIS  ? Importance  of  MIS, Organizational  &  information  system structure,  Role  of  MIS in  decision  making,  Data  flow diagram,   Introduction  to  systems  analysis  &   design, Organizing information systems. 
Product Design and Development: Various Approaches, Product life cycle, Role 3S’s – Standardization, Simplification, Specialization, Introduction to value engineering and analysis, Role of Ergonomics in Product Design