DAC digital and analog communication NOTES, Papers with syllabus MDU BTECH download - Printable Version

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DAC digital and analog communication NOTES, Papers with syllabus MDU BTECH download - admin - 02-26-2015


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Section A: Communication system components: DOWNLOAD NOTES HERE
  • Introduction to Communication: Definition & means of communications;
  • Digital and analog signals: sign waves, square waves; Properties of signals: amplitude, frequency, phase;
  • Theoretical basis for data communication:
  • Fourier analysis: Fourier series and Fourier Transform (property, ESD, PSD and Raleigh) effect of limited bandwidth on digital signal.

Section B: Data Transmission System: DOWNLOAD NOTES HERE
  • Physical connections: modulation, amplitude-, frequency-, phase- modulation;
  • Data encoding: binary encoding (NRZ), Manchester encoding, differential Manchester encoding.
  • Transmission Media: Twisted pair-, co-axial-, fiber optic-cables, and wireless media
  • Transmission impairments: attenuation, limited bandwidth of the channels, delay distortion, noise, data rate of the channels (Nyquist theorem, Shannon limit).
  • Physical layer interfaces: RS 232, X.21

Section C: Standards in data communications:
  • Communication modes: simplex, half duplex, full duplex;
  • Transmission modes: serial parallel-transmission;
  • Synchronizations: Asynchronous-, synchronous-transmission;
  • Type of services: connection oriented-, connectionless-services;
  • Flow control: unrestricted simplex protocol, simplex stop- and -wait protocol, sliding window protocol;
  • Switching systems: circuit switching; picketing switching: data gram, virtual circuits, permanent virtual circuits.
  • Telephone Systems: PSTN, ISDN, asynchronous digital subscriber line.
  • Multiplexing: frequency division-, time-, wave- division multiplexing.

Section D: Security in data communications:  DOWNLOAD NOTES HERE
  • Transmission errors: feedback-, forward-error control approaches;
  • Error detection; Parity check, block sum check, frame check sequences;
  • Error correction: hamming codes, cyclic redundancy check;
  • Data encryption: secret key cryptography, public key cryptograph;
  • Datacompression: run length encoding, Huffman encoding.