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Unit I        
Introduction: Definition, Purpose, Objectives and Role of MIS in Business Organization with particular reference to Management Levels. MIS Growth and Development, Location of MIS in the Organization – concept and design.  Transaction Processing System, Decision Support System, Executive Information system, Expert System, and the recent developments in the field of MIS.  

Unit II          
System Development: Concept of System, Types of Systems – Open, Closed, Deterministic, Probabilistic, etc. Relevance of choice of System in MIS, Integration of Organization Systems and Information Systems, System Development Life Cycle, System Analysis, Design and Implementation, MIS Applications in Business.

Unit III      
Information Concepts: Data and Information – meaning and importance, Relevance of Information in Decision Making, Sources and Types of Information, Cost Benefit Analysis – Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects, Assessing Information needs of the Organization.    

Unit IV          
Information Technology: Recent Developments in the Field of Information Technology:    Multimedia Approach to Information Processing. Decision of Appropriate Information Technology for proper MIS.   Choice of appropriate IT Systems – Database, Data warehousing & Datamining Concepts, Centralised and Distributed Processing.