and now this is
physics 1 NOTES & syllabus of Mdu btech
Section- Aand now this is
physics 1 NOTES & syllabus of Mdu btech
Interference :
- Coherent sources:--
- conditions for sustained interference.
- Division of Wave-Front , schrodinger wave equation
- Fresnel's Biprism ,
- Division of Amplitude-
- Wedge-shaped film,
- Newton's Rings,
- Michelson Interferometer, applications (Resolut ion of closely spaced spectral lines, determination of wavelengths).
Diffraction :
- Difference between interference and diffraction Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction.
- Fraunhofer diffraction through a single slit,
- Plane transmission diffraction grating,
- absent spectra,
- dispersive power,
- resolving power
- Rayleigh criterion of resolution.
Polarisation :
- Polarised and unpolarised light.
- Uniaxial crystals double refraction,
- Nicol prism,
- quarter and half wave plates,
- Detection and Production of different types of polarized light,
- Polarimetry; Optical and specific rotation,
- Biquartz and Laurent's hald shade polarimeter.
- Spontaneous and stimulated emission,
- Laser action, population inversion
- characteristics of laser beam- cohrence
- absorption of radiation in laser
- concept of coherence,
- spatial and temporal coherence.
- He-Ne and semiconductor lasers (simple ideas).
- applications.
Fibre Optics
- Propagation of light in optical fibres,
- types of fibres
- numerical aperture,
- V-number,
- single and multimode fibres,
- alternation dispersion,
- applications.
- Molecular theory,
- polarization,
- displacement vector,
- electric susceptibility,
- dielectric coeficient,
- permitivity & various relations between these,
- Gauss's law in the presence of a dielectric,
- Energry stared in a uniform electric field,
- concept of local molecular fields and
- Claussius Mossotti relation.
Special Theory of Relativity
- Michelson's Marley Experiment,
- Postultes of special theory of relativity,
- Lorentz transformations.
- Consequences of LT (length contraction and time dilation).
- addition of velocities,
- variation of mass with velocity,
- mass energy equivalence.
Super Conductivity
- Introduction (Experimental survey),
- Meissner effect,
- London equations,
- Hard and Soft supercondictors,
- Elements of BCS Theory.
physics 2 NOTES & syllabus of Mdu btech
Section-A Crystal Structure DOWNLOAD HERE
- Space lattice,
- unit cell and translation vector,
- Miller indices,
- simple crystal structure.
- Laue's treatment to Bragg's law,
- powder method,
- point defects in solids- Schottky and Frenkel defects,
- Bonding in solids- lonic and covalent bonds.
Quantum Physics DOWNLOAD HERE
- Difficulties with classical physics,
- introduction to quantum mechanics- simple concepts, Black body radiations Discovery of Planck's constant, phase velocity and group velocity.
- Schrodinger wave equations-time dependent and time independent, Expectation value, Ehrnfest Theorem, particle in a one-dimensional box.
- Quantum Statistics (Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Statistics). Elementary ideas of quark, gluons and hadrons.
- Features of nanosystems,
- concept of quantum size effect,
- quantum dots and their applications.
Free Electron Theory DOWNLOAD HERE
- Elements of classical free electron theory and its limitations.
- Drude's theory of conduction,
- quantum theory of free electrons,
- Fermi level, density of states,
- Fermi-Dirac distribution function,
- Thermionic emission,
- Richardson's equation.
Band Theory of Solids DOWNLOAD HERE
- Origin of energy bonds,
- Kronig-Penny model (qualitative) E-K diagrams,
- Brillouin Zones, Concept of effective mass and holes.
- Classification of solids into metals,
- semiconductors and insulators.
- Fermi energy and its variation with temperature.
- Hall effect and its applications.
Photoconductivity & Photovoltaics DOWNLOAD HERE
- Photoconductivity in insulating crystal,
- variation with illumination,
- effect of traps
- applicaiton of photoconductivity,
- photovoltaics cells,
- solar cell and its characteristics.
Megnetic Properties of Solids DOWNLOAD HERE
- Atomic magnetic moments,
- orbitals diamagnetism,
- Classical theory of paramagnetism,
- ferromagnetism, molecular fields and domain hypothesis.