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advance java AJ NOTES and PAPERS with syllabus mdu btech free download

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Section A
CORE JAVA Introduction  to  Java,  Data  types,  variables,  operators,  Arrays,  Control  Statements,  Classes  &  Methods, Inheritance, Exception Handling, Multithreading, Collections, I/O streams, AVVT & Apolet Programming.  
NETWORKING Connecting to a Server, Implementing Servers, Sending E-Mail, Making URL Connections, Advanced Socket Programm ing

Section B
DATABASE NETWORKING The Design of JDBC.  The  Structured  Query  Language,  JDBC  Installation,  Basic  JDBC  Programming Concepts,  Query Execution,  Scrollable  and  Updatable  Result  Sets,  Metadata,  Row  Sets,  Transactions, Advanced Connection Management, Introduction of LDAP
DISTRIBUTED OBJECTS The Roles of Client and Server, Remote Method Invocations, Setup for Remote Method Invocation, Parameter Passing in Remote Methods  Server Object  Activation,  Java IDL and CCRA,  Remote  Method Calls  with SOAP

Section C  
SWING Lists, Trees, Tables, Styled Text Components, Progress Indicators, Component Organizers
AWT The Rendering Pipeline, Shapes, Areas, Strokes, Paint, Coordinate Transformations, Clipping, Transparency and Composition,  Rendering Hints,  Readers  and Writers  for  Images,  Image Manipulation,  Printing.  The Clipboard, Drag and Drop

Section D
JAVABEANS COMPONENTS Beans,  The  Bean-Writing  Process,  Using  Beans  to  Build  an  Application,  Naming  Patterns  for  Bean Components and Events Bean Property Tubes Beaninfo Classes Property Editors Cuatomizes
SECURITY Class Loaders, Bytecode Verification, Security Managers and Permissions, Digital Signatures, Code Signing, Encryption

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