Unit-I [TV as a medium]
1. Understanding the medium - Nature and Language of TV
2. Formats and types for TV Programmes
3. TV News script format
4. Scripting for Fiction/Non Fiction
Unit-II [TV News Gathering]
1. Fundamentals of TV reporting – Reporting skills, Ethics for TV reporting
2. Writing and Reporting for TV : Finding the story and Developing the sources, Gathering the facts (Getting right visuals, facts and figures, establishing the scene, cut away)
3. Interview – types of news interview, art of conducting a good interview
4. Anchoring - Live shows
5. Packaging
Unit-III [ TV Programme Production]
1. Steps involved in production & utilisation of a TV Program
2. Stages of production- pre-production, production and post-production
3. The production personnel – Single camera and Multi camera production
4. Use of graphics and special effects
5. Developing a video brief
Unit-IV [Basics of Video editing and Programme Evaluation]
1. Aesthetic Factor of video editing.
2. Types of video editing- Non-Linear editing ,Cut to cut, assemble & insert, on line, off line editing
3. Designing, Evaluation and field testing of programme
Unit-I [TV as a medium]
1. Understanding the medium - Nature and Language of TV
2. Formats and types for TV Programmes
3. TV News script format
4. Scripting for Fiction/Non Fiction
Unit-II [TV News Gathering]
1. Fundamentals of TV reporting – Reporting skills, Ethics for TV reporting
2. Writing and Reporting for TV : Finding the story and Developing the sources, Gathering the facts (Getting right visuals, facts and figures, establishing the scene, cut away)
3. Interview – types of news interview, art of conducting a good interview
4. Anchoring - Live shows
5. Packaging
Unit-III [ TV Programme Production]
1. Steps involved in production & utilisation of a TV Program
2. Stages of production- pre-production, production and post-production
3. The production personnel – Single camera and Multi camera production
4. Use of graphics and special effects
5. Developing a video brief
Unit-IV [Basics of Video editing and Programme Evaluation]
1. Aesthetic Factor of video editing.
2. Types of video editing- Non-Linear editing ,Cut to cut, assemble & insert, on line, off line editing
3. Designing, Evaluation and field testing of programme