Unit- I Introduction to structural analysis, Definition of determinate and
indeterminate structure, degree of freedom, concept of stress and strains , Mohr’
circle of stress and strain, principle stress and strain examples. Stress - strain
relationship hook’s law, examples, composite sections
Unit –II Concept of bending stresses, flexural formula, stress- strain diagram for beam, shear stress in beam, shear stresses in beam with different cross -section. Concept of torsion, torsion in circular shaft, torsion equation, shear stress in
shaft due to torsion examples
Unit- III Theory of column, slenderness ratio, end connections, short column,
Euler’s critical buckling load, eccentric loaded short column, cylinder column
subjected to eccentric loading, examples
Unit- IV Introduction to bending moment and shear force diagram in beam, introduction to slope and deflection in beam by differential equation, moment- area method and conjugate beam method, principle of virtual work, Maxwell law of reciprocal deflection, Willot-Mohr diagram.
1. Strength of Materials Part-I, S.Timoshenko,Affiliated East-West Press,N.Delhi
2. Mechanics of Materials, Popov Nagarjan & Lu, Prentice Hall of India,N.Delhi
3. Mechanics of Solids, Prasad,V.S. Gakgotia Pub.,N.Delhi.
4. Elementary Structural Analysis, Jain,A.K.,Nem Chand & Bros,Roorkee.
5. Elementary Struictural Analysis, Wibur & Nooris, McGraw Hill
Book Co.,Newyork.
6. Structural Analysis, Bhavikatti,S.S.,Vikas Pub.House,N.Delhi.
- Click here to download MDU btech civil, structural analysis papers of year 2010
- Click here to download MDU btech civil, structural analysis papers of year 2011
- Click here to download MDU btech civil, structural analysis papers of year 2012
- Click here to download MDU btech civil, structural analysis papers of year 2013
- Click here to download MDU btech civil, structural analysis papers of year 2014
- Click here to download MDU btech civil, structural analysis papers of year 2015
- Click here to download MDU btech civil, structural analysis papers of year 2017
- some extra
Unit- I Introduction to structural analysis, Definition of determinate and
indeterminate structure, degree of freedom, concept of stress and strains , Mohr’
circle of stress and strain, principle stress and strain examples. Stress - strain
relationship hook’s law, examples, composite sections
Unit –II Concept of bending stresses, flexural formula, stress- strain diagram for beam, shear stress in beam, shear stresses in beam with different cross -section. Concept of torsion, torsion in circular shaft, torsion equation, shear stress in
shaft due to torsion examples
Unit- III Theory of column, slenderness ratio, end connections, short column,
Euler’s critical buckling load, eccentric loaded short column, cylinder column
subjected to eccentric loading, examples
Unit- IV Introduction to bending moment and shear force diagram in beam, introduction to slope and deflection in beam by differential equation, moment- area method and conjugate beam method, principle of virtual work, Maxwell law of reciprocal deflection, Willot-Mohr diagram.
1. Strength of Materials Part-I, S.Timoshenko,Affiliated East-West Press,N.Delhi
2. Mechanics of Materials, Popov Nagarjan & Lu, Prentice Hall of India,N.Delhi
3. Mechanics of Solids, Prasad,V.S. Gakgotia Pub.,N.Delhi.
4. Elementary Structural Analysis, Jain,A.K.,Nem Chand & Bros,Roorkee.
5. Elementary Struictural Analysis, Wibur & Nooris, McGraw Hill
Book Co.,Newyork.
6. Structural Analysis, Bhavikatti,S.S.,Vikas Pub.House,N.Delhi.