Java Programming: Introduction, Data types, acces specifiers, operators, control statements, arrays. Classes: Fundamentals, objects, methods,constructors. Inheritance: Super class,sub class,this and super operator, method overriding, use of final, packages, abstract class, interface. Polymorphism: Method overloading, constructor overloading.
Exception Handling: Exception Class, built in checked and unchecked exceptions, user defined exceptions,use of try, catch, throw,throws,finally. Multi threaded programming: Overview, comparison with multiprocessing ,Thread class and runnable interface, life cycle, creation of single and multiple threads, thread priorities, overview of Synchronization. Java Library:String handling (only main functions), String Buffer class. Elementary concepts of Input/Output :byte and character streams, and Sysem.out, print and println, reading from a file and writing in a file.
Software Development using Java: Applets:Introduction, Life cycle,creation and implementation, AWT controls: Button, Label,TextField, TextArea, Choice lists, list, scrollbars, check boxes, Layout managers, Elementary concepts of Event Handling
elegation Event Model, Event classes and listeners, Adapter classes, Inner classes. Swings:Introduction and comparison with AWT controls.
Networking Basics: Socket (datagram and TCP/IP based client and server socket), factory methods, InetAddress JDBC:JDBCArchitecture, JDBC Drivers,Connecting to the Database Introduction to Java Servlets: Life cycle,Interfaces and classes in javax.servlet package(only description) Creating a simple servlet.
Java Programming: Introduction, Data types, acces specifiers, operators, control statements, arrays. Classes: Fundamentals, objects, methods,constructors. Inheritance: Super class,sub class,this and super operator, method overriding, use of final, packages, abstract class, interface. Polymorphism: Method overloading, constructor overloading.
Exception Handling: Exception Class, built in checked and unchecked exceptions, user defined exceptions,use of try, catch, throw,throws,finally. Multi threaded programming: Overview, comparison with multiprocessing ,Thread class and runnable interface, life cycle, creation of single and multiple threads, thread priorities, overview of Synchronization. Java Library:String handling (only main functions), String Buffer class. Elementary concepts of Input/Output :byte and character streams, and Sysem.out, print and println, reading from a file and writing in a file.
Software Development using Java: Applets:Introduction, Life cycle,creation and implementation, AWT controls: Button, Label,TextField, TextArea, Choice lists, list, scrollbars, check boxes, Layout managers, Elementary concepts of Event Handling

Networking Basics: Socket (datagram and TCP/IP based client and server socket), factory methods, InetAddress JDBC:JDBCArchitecture, JDBC Drivers,Connecting to the Database Introduction to Java Servlets: Life cycle,Interfaces and classes in javax.servlet package(only description) Creating a simple servlet.