Unit-I: Introduction: DOWNLOAD NOTES HERE
Unit-II: Precipitation: DOWNLOAD NOTES HERE
Unit-III: Evaporation & Transpiration: DOWNLOAD NOTES HERE
Unit-IV: Infiltration: Infiltration process, initial loss, infiltration capacity and measurement of infiltration, infiltration indices.
Unit-V: Runoff: Factor affecting run-off, estimation of runoff, rainfall-run off relationships, measurement of stage-staff gauge, wire gauge, automatic stage recorder and stage hydrograph, measurement of velocity- current meters, floats, area velocity method, moving boat and slope area method, electromagnetic, ultra- sonic and dilution methods of stream flow measurement, stage discharge relationship.
Unit-VI: Hydrograph: Discharge hydrograph, components and factors affecting shape of hydrograph, effective rainfall, unit hydrograph and its derivation, unit hydrograph of different durations, use and limitations of UH , triangular UH, Snyder`s synthetic UH, floods, rational methods, empirical formulae, UH method, flood frequency methods, Gumbel`s method, graphical method, design flood.
Unit-VII: Ground Water: Occurrence, types of aquifers, compressibility of aquifers, water table and its effects on fluctuations , wells and springs, movement of ground water, Darcy`s law, permeability and its determination, porosity, specific yield and specific retention, storage coefficient, transmissibility.
Unit-VIII: Well Hydraulics: Steady state flow to wells in unconfined and confined aquifers.
Books Recommended:
1 Engineering Hydrology by K.Subramanya.
2 Hydrology by H.M.Raghunath.
3 Hydrology for Engineers by Linsely, Kohler, Paulhus.
4 Elementary Hydrology by V.P.Singh.
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Unit-I: Introduction: DOWNLOAD NOTES HERE
- Hydrologic cycle,
- scope and application of hydrology to engineering problems,
- drainage basins and its characteristics,
- stream geometry,
- hypsometric curves.
Unit-II: Precipitation: DOWNLOAD NOTES HERE
- Forms and types of precipitation,
- characteristics of precipitation in India,
- measurement of precipitation, recording and non recording raingages,
- raingage station, raingage network,
- estimation of missing data,
- resentation of rainfall data, mean precipitation,
- depth -area -duration relationship,
- frequency of point rainfall,
- intensity -duration- frequency curves,
- probable max.
- precipitation.
Unit-III: Evaporation & Transpiration: DOWNLOAD NOTES HERE
- Process, evaporimeters and empirical relationships,
- analytical method,
- reservoir evaporation and methods of its control,
- transpiration, evapo-transpiration and its measurement,
- Penman`s equation and potential evapo-transpiration.
Unit-IV: Infiltration: Infiltration process, initial loss, infiltration capacity and measurement of infiltration, infiltration indices.
Unit-V: Runoff: Factor affecting run-off, estimation of runoff, rainfall-run off relationships, measurement of stage-staff gauge, wire gauge, automatic stage recorder and stage hydrograph, measurement of velocity- current meters, floats, area velocity method, moving boat and slope area method, electromagnetic, ultra- sonic and dilution methods of stream flow measurement, stage discharge relationship.
Unit-VI: Hydrograph: Discharge hydrograph, components and factors affecting shape of hydrograph, effective rainfall, unit hydrograph and its derivation, unit hydrograph of different durations, use and limitations of UH , triangular UH, Snyder`s synthetic UH, floods, rational methods, empirical formulae, UH method, flood frequency methods, Gumbel`s method, graphical method, design flood.
Unit-VII: Ground Water: Occurrence, types of aquifers, compressibility of aquifers, water table and its effects on fluctuations , wells and springs, movement of ground water, Darcy`s law, permeability and its determination, porosity, specific yield and specific retention, storage coefficient, transmissibility.
Unit-VIII: Well Hydraulics: Steady state flow to wells in unconfined and confined aquifers.
Books Recommended:
1 Engineering Hydrology by K.Subramanya.
2 Hydrology by H.M.Raghunath.
3 Hydrology for Engineers by Linsely, Kohler, Paulhus.
4 Elementary Hydrology by V.P.Singh.