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Duty, Delta, efficiency and estimation of crops in irrigation engineering btech notes
hi students!!

this is the notes of DUTY, DELTA, EFFICIENCY or estimation of crops in irrigation engineering for btech civil

  • duty of crops
  • base period, crop period
  • delta of crop
  • duty and delta difference
  • relation b/w duty and delta
  • factor affecting the duty of crops
  • paleo irrigation
  • KOR watering KOR period
  • irrigation effeciency
  • efficiency of water convayance, efficiency of water application, efficiency of water storage, efficiency of water distribution and water use, consumptive use
  • numericals
  • consumptive irrigation requiremetns
  • net irrigation requirements
  • field irrigation requirements
  • NUMERICALS for practice
if this helps you then dont forget to help other student by posting more useful stuff here and by sharing it


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