Unit-I [Concept and Indicators of Development]
1. Definition, meaning and process of development
2. Theories and paradigms of development – unilinear and non-unilinear
3. Ingredients (5Ms) of development and money generation, MNCs and foreign aid
4. Basic needs model by Bariloche Foundation 5. Economic and social indicators of development:
ii. Human Development Index
iii. Physical Quality of Life Index
6. Other indicators:
i. Communication as an indicator
ii. Democracy as an indicator
iii. Human Rights as an indicator
iv. Social Relations [inequality]
v. Happiness Index
7. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Unit – II [Development Communication - Concept and Theories]
1. Definition and Concept
2. Approaches:
i. Diffusion of Innovation
ii. Magic Multiplier
iii. Localised Approach
3. Development Support Communication - Extension Approach
i. Health and Family Welfare
ii. Women Empowerment
iii. Literacy & Education
iv. Water Harvesting & Management
Unit-III [Media and Development]
1. Development of message design and communication
2. Role and performance of mass media: Print, Radio, TV, Outdoor publicity and traditional media - music, drama, dance, puppetry, street play, fairs, festivals and their role in development..
3. Cybermedia and development: e-governance , digital democracy & e-chaupal
4. ICT & Development
5. Case Studies :
i. SITE Experiment
ii. Community-based water harvesting by Rajendra Singh in Rajasthan.
6. Role of NGOs in social development..
Unit - IV [Communication in different Indian perspectives]
1. Communication for rural development:
i. Strengthening of Panchayati Raj
ii. Advancement in farming and alternative employment
iii. Conservation of rural culture - tradition
2. Communication for urban development:
i. Urban sanitation
ii. Consumer awareness
iii. Slum development
3. Communication for Tribal development
i. Wild life and forest conservation
ii. Joint forest management
iii. Forest based cottage industries
Unit-I [Concept and Indicators of Development]
1. Definition, meaning and process of development
2. Theories and paradigms of development – unilinear and non-unilinear
3. Ingredients (5Ms) of development and money generation, MNCs and foreign aid
4. Basic needs model by Bariloche Foundation 5. Economic and social indicators of development:
ii. Human Development Index
iii. Physical Quality of Life Index
6. Other indicators:
i. Communication as an indicator
ii. Democracy as an indicator
iii. Human Rights as an indicator
iv. Social Relations [inequality]
v. Happiness Index
7. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Unit – II [Development Communication - Concept and Theories]
1. Definition and Concept
2. Approaches:
i. Diffusion of Innovation
ii. Magic Multiplier
iii. Localised Approach
3. Development Support Communication - Extension Approach
i. Health and Family Welfare
ii. Women Empowerment
iii. Literacy & Education
iv. Water Harvesting & Management
Unit-III [Media and Development]
1. Development of message design and communication
2. Role and performance of mass media: Print, Radio, TV, Outdoor publicity and traditional media - music, drama, dance, puppetry, street play, fairs, festivals and their role in development..
3. Cybermedia and development: e-governance , digital democracy & e-chaupal
4. ICT & Development
5. Case Studies :
i. SITE Experiment
ii. Community-based water harvesting by Rajendra Singh in Rajasthan.
6. Role of NGOs in social development..
Unit - IV [Communication in different Indian perspectives]
1. Communication for rural development:
i. Strengthening of Panchayati Raj
ii. Advancement in farming and alternative employment
iii. Conservation of rural culture - tradition
2. Communication for urban development:
i. Urban sanitation
ii. Consumer awareness
iii. Slum development
3. Communication for Tribal development
i. Wild life and forest conservation
ii. Joint forest management
iii. Forest based cottage industries