05-04-2017, 02:13 AM
UNIT – I: State Space Analysis
Introduction, state space representation of continuous LTI systems, transfer function and state variables, transfer matrix, EIGEN values and EIGEN vectors, Solution of State equations, controllability and observability, canonical forms (CCF, OCF, DCF, JCF).
UNIT – II: Discrete System
Introduction to discrete time systems, sampling process, Z-transform and inverse Z-transforms and hold circuits, presentation by difference equation and its solution, pulse transfer function, transient and steady state responses, Dead beat response, steady state error, Representation of discrete systems in state variable form and its solution, stability of digital control system, digital equivalent of conventional controller/compensator.
UNIT – III: Non-Linear System
Introduction, Non-linear system behavior and different types of non-linearities, Describing function analysis, assumptions and definitions, DF of common non-linearities, Phase Plane Analysis, singular points, construction of phase portrait, phase plane analysis of linear/non-linear systems, existence of limit cycles, jump phenomenon, stability analysis:
UNIT – IV: Lyapunov Theory and Adaptive Control
Lyapunov direct method, positive definite functions and Lyapunov functions, existence of Lyapunov functions, Lyapunov analysis of LTI systems, variable gradient method, Krasvoskii method, performance analysis, Popov’s stability criteria. Introduction to basic approaches to adaptive control - Model reference adaptive control systems, self tuning regulators, Applications of adaptive control.
UNIT – I: State Space Analysis
Introduction, state space representation of continuous LTI systems, transfer function and state variables, transfer matrix, EIGEN values and EIGEN vectors, Solution of State equations, controllability and observability, canonical forms (CCF, OCF, DCF, JCF).
UNIT – II: Discrete System
Introduction to discrete time systems, sampling process, Z-transform and inverse Z-transforms and hold circuits, presentation by difference equation and its solution, pulse transfer function, transient and steady state responses, Dead beat response, steady state error, Representation of discrete systems in state variable form and its solution, stability of digital control system, digital equivalent of conventional controller/compensator.
UNIT – III: Non-Linear System
Introduction, Non-linear system behavior and different types of non-linearities, Describing function analysis, assumptions and definitions, DF of common non-linearities, Phase Plane Analysis, singular points, construction of phase portrait, phase plane analysis of linear/non-linear systems, existence of limit cycles, jump phenomenon, stability analysis:
UNIT – IV: Lyapunov Theory and Adaptive Control
Lyapunov direct method, positive definite functions and Lyapunov functions, existence of Lyapunov functions, Lyapunov analysis of LTI systems, variable gradient method, Krasvoskii method, performance analysis, Popov’s stability criteria. Introduction to basic approaches to adaptive control - Model reference adaptive control systems, self tuning regulators, Applications of adaptive control.