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Digital Communication IPU EEE notes and question paper free download


Introduction to Digital Communication: Line coding: NRZ, RZ, Manchester encoding, differential Manchester encoding, AMI coding, high density bipolar code, binary with n-zero substitution codes, 
Review of sampling theorem, uniform and non- uniform quantization, companding, µ Law and A- law compressors, Concept and Analysis of PCM, DPCM, DM and ADM modulators and demodulators, M-ary waveforms, S/N ratio for all modulation, probability of error for PCM in AWGN Channel and other modulation techniques, Duo Binary pulse.

UNIT- II    
Random Signal Theory: Probability, Concept of Random variable (Stationary, Non stationary, WSS, SSS), Random process, CDF, PDF, Joint CDF, Joint PDF, marginal PDF, Mean, Moments, Central Moment Auto-correlation & Cross-correlation, covariance functions, ergodicity, power spectral density, Gaussian distribution, Uniform distribution, Rayleigh distribution, Binomial distribution, Poisson’s distribution, Weiner distribution, Wiener-khinchin  theorem, Central limit Theorem.

Designing of Receiver:  Analysis of digital receiver, Prediction Filter, Design and Property of Matched filter, Correlator Receiver, Orthogonal Signal, Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Procedure, Maximum likelihood receiver, Coherent receiver design, Inter Symbol Interference, Eye Pattern.

Digital modulation schemes:  Coherent Binary Schemes: ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK, MSK, G-MSK. Coherent M-ary Schemes, Incoherent Schemes (DPSK and DEPSK), Calculation of average probability of error for different modulation schemes, Power spectra of digitally modulated signals, Performance comparison of different digital modulation schemes.  Review of 2 Latest Research Paper.

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